Its safe to assume that I have had better weeks. Nothing about the whole business of having a fire is fun unless maybe you’re in the business of putting them out. So there’s some heavy and crappy stuff. But I’m doing my level best to try and be a glass half full kind of person at the moment. It is a conscious choice. I’m afraid if I start to get bogged down in the hard stuff—and there is a lot of that, that it will be even harder. So if you talk to me and I seem like an insane optimist more than usual, know that it’s a coping mechanism and that I haven’t fallen totally off my rocker just yet. 😊
That said, I am trying to keep at the forefront of my mind good things that may come from this, and there are lots. Here’s a quick highlight reel. Some serious ones, some less serious ones.
The bats in the attic should no longer be an issue. Basement ones are slowed down some, too... I can’t quantify how much I dislike bats.
I’m getting a heavy dose of humility. I don’t like asking for help, and I am being forced to really work on that. I’m trying.
My most precious things are safe. I will make myself lose sleep over the what-ifs if I think about them for too long. My kids are all safe and sound. I’m hugging them extra tight.
And finally. I live in the best community and my kids get to see how good people are. I have been here most of my life, so I’m not surprised. I stood outside watching the house burning and thought of how well I knew people would come to help, and my Winfield did not disappoint. And I knew they’d have my back. But my kids don’t have that same knowledge of their community yet. And they see it now and they are noticing and they are feeling loved and supported and held up by everyone in this community. When I think about this, I get a little teary. You always want your kids to see the good in the world and I’ve been a little cynical about a lot of things in the past couple of years. And this town and these people have restored my faith that people are good. I know I sound like a ridiculous hallmark card or something. But people are good, and my family is blessed to experience this amount of love and care from our Winfield friends and neighbors and people we’ve never met.
And if you are reading this and haven’t checked your smoke detectors yet recently... seriously, go do that.
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