Saturday, January 27, 2018

Monsoon Season

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "when it rains, it pours...".  I know I have about a thousand times in just the last month alone.  It's not been a rough day or week or month... It's been a rough season.  I'm calling it monsoon season.  It's not raining, it's pouring.  Continuously.  Here's an approximate timeline of our last month or so, starting the week before Christmas.

Baby Sloth is sick.  Fever for 5 days. Drive 45 miles to pediatrician in a snow storm. Told its something viral.  Miss fun wedding/reception/mini overnight getaway with the kids because of very sick baby.  Take Baby Sloth back to pediatrician when they re-open after the New Year's Day holiday.  Baby Sloth has RSV.  Needs nebulizer, meds, lots of TLC, and very little sleep that's not when being held by mom.  Three pediatrician appointments to get a diagnosis...  Wop wop...

Baby Sloth just gets over his illness. A few days later, The Feisty One wakes with an ear infection.  Like the scream-y kind. Shrieking, wailing, gnashing of teeth...  Schedule appointment for him plus Son Number One for pediatrician.  Feisty one diagnosed with ear infection, Son Number One with Diabetes, and subsequent hospital stay for 3 days, but I've already covered that adventure...

I go to dentist to get some work done (literally my least favorite place, despite having a very kind dentist...).  Get some lovely news about one of my teeth (and how expensive it will be one way or another....)  Brakes light comes on in van...  Funeral to attend...  

Baby Sloth was to have surgery and it was pushed back because of his RSV diagnosis, and it comes as no surprise that he has a raging double ear infection AGAIN.  Because really, why would I not want to go say "hi" to my BFF's (the reception staff at the peds office) every week?  Finally today, after 3 days of fever, he seems to maybe have turned a corner. Surgery in a couple of weeks... Cross your fingers that nothing crops up between now and then. 

I am a level of tired I haven't seen since maybe Queen Bee was a preemie newborn.  I may or may not have dropped like $40 on a "hard to find transformer toy" for the Feisty One for reasons not even I can quite put my finger on. My hair looks awful, and I've been getting a lot of "you look.... tired" comments, so I'm going to go ahead and assume that the rest of me looks awful, too.  School kids wanted to watch a video, and I was legitimately concerned that I would fall asleep in a dark room, so I instead subjected my ears to the sweet sounds of a classroom full of xylophone playing elementary students.  

I know that life has seasons... and that this monsoon season will pass... but it's passing like a kidney stone.  A slow moving kidney stone at that.  It's painful and exhausting.  And cold.  And gets dark early.  And I'm tired... 

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