Thursday, February 8, 2018

Living the Dream

The other day, I was meandering idly through the internet, and stumbled across this gem of a video.  Take a minute and watch it.  Being from the midwest (we're neighbors to Minnesota, so that basically counts, right?), a handful of these things are things that I regularly hear, and a couple are things that I regularly say.  Notably, "It could be worse."

People often ask how I'm doing.  (Lately, it's been REALLY OFTEN... probably because I look kind of frazzled at all times, and like I haven't slept in weeks... both of which are accurate...).  I know that mostly it's the polite thing to do, and that often they really don't want to really hear about how I'm doing, so I will pass it off with a simple "Oh, Could be lots worse..." or "You know me, living the dream as always." And most days, I kind of mean that.  I know I could have it lots worse than I do

When we were inpatient at the hospital last month, we saw firsthand how long some of those kiddos had been there, and we know we could have it so much worse, and we're grateful that Son Number One required a relatively quick stay.  A mere hundred years ago, a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes was a death sentence.  Insulin was first successfully used in human patients in 1922. When I think of how much of a bummer it is as a mom to have your kiddo diagnosed with T1D, I try to think back to those mamas who had to watch their babies waste away to nothing and die within a few months of diagnosis only a hundred years ago.   So when I say "it could be lots worse" when someone asks about him, I truly and sincerely mean it.

When I wake up in the morning after a short night of sleep that's been interrupted by a hungry and growing baby who needs snuggles and a bottle, or a three year old with bad dreams and cold toes, or a 6 or 8 year old kiddo who just needs some extra mommy time, I try to have the perspective that they won't be little for long. I've somehow made it past the baby stage with three kids already, and I'm trying to savor the fleeting moments of baby snuggles I get these days.  And I know that my big kids won't always think I'm as cool as I am today, but for now, it's kind of great. And my house always has the "it looks like there's been a struggle" look, and dishes are always piled up, and laundry is always piled up... and trash needs emptied, and the cats need to be fed... and I always wish I had a few more hours in the day.  But I love them all, and I love my life--despite the relative chaos I live in--and when I say I'm "Living the dream", usually I mean it.  (except maybe when Baby Sloth decides to poo in his pants EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. as I am trying to leave for work...  Maybe not so much then.)

"I am happy because I'm grateful. 
I choose to be grateful. 
That gratitude allows me to be happy."
--Will Arnett

These days, I just don't have the extra energy to be unhappy.  It's simply easier for me to choose to be happy, and so I am.  So if you ask me how I am, and I tell you "It could be worse", it's because I'm grateful that it isn't.  And when I say I'm "living the dream", it may not be your dream, and it may not even be my own at the moment... but if I stop to think about it, it probably is, and I really am. 

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